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@article{hoefler-eve-technical, author={Torsten Hoefler and Bjorn Stevens and Andreas F. Prein and Johanna Baehr and Thomas Schulthess and Thomas F. Stocker and John Taylor and Daniel Klocke and Pekka Manninen and Piers M. Forster and Tobias Kölling and Nicolas Gruber and Hartwig Anzt and Claudia Frauen and Florian Ziemen and Milan Klöwer and Karthik Kashinath and Christoph Schär and Oliver Fuhrer and Bryan N. Lawrence}, title={{Earth Virtualization Engines -- A Technical Perspective}}, journal={Computing in Science and Engineering (CiSE)}, year={2023}, month={May}, volume={25}, number={3}, publisher={IEEE Computer Society}, issn={1521-9615}, source={}, }